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About Us

We are an artisanal boutique bakery of unique sweet bites.  We believe that sweet bites and cakes should be indulgent from having amazing flavors made with the very best ingredients.

We bake without preservatives or anything artificial, and locally sourced  ingredients whenever possible.  We source locally for base ingredients like eggs, milk, and cream, along with local Milk Chocolate Stout and Huckleberry preserves.

We also import the finest ingredients like Callebaut Chocolate from Belgium, Natural Odense Marzipan from Denmark, and natural specialty French poured fondant.  Even our decorations are made with food colors sourced from a specialty company in California that create their colors without the dyes and preservatives found in normal colors. 

With each order, we combine these amazing flavors to make the best sweet bites and cakes we can craft. Taste the difference that high quality, natural cakes and bites can bring to your dessert table.
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Meet The Baker/Owner- Amy Pond
Baking is a passion so Amy,  starting with a grandfather who as a professional baker took her into the kitchen and taught her from a very young age. This has led to a 30 plus year career embracing baking in many forms and various settings.  She brings that knowledge and passion to make each order handcrafted for taste and beauty. ​
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